Our Great Prairie Community

“When you buy a house, you buy an ecosystem. You may be buying a future ecosystem or the promise of one. A healthy landscape provides ecosystem services. Every landscape matters. Every plant choice matters. When you choose to use native plants, your garden becomes a natural fit for the space.”
- Kim Eierman

Illinois is a prairie land structured state, based on its grassy, flat and agricultural terrain. It is known that plants do not bloom on their own, but through pollinators, an ecosystem is created. The prairies represent the fertility needed to sustain native plants and animals, the formation of the lands to avoid erosion through deep roots, and cultural communities of groves and moraine that nourish the earth's vitality.

Check out our HistoPrairie Timeline!

Timeless HistoPrairie Resources

Kim Eierman (EcoBeneficial)
Native alternatives to invasive plants - Burrell (Brooklyn Botanic Garden)
Bring nature home: How you can sustain wildlife with native plants - Doug Tallamy
Where the Sky Began - John Madson
I like our prairie landscape - Jens Jensen
An ecological approach - Elsa Rehmann
The last stand of the wilderness - Aldo Leopold
The native landscape reader - Robert Grese